How to Drive More Sales Through LinkedIn and Social Selling

Melonie Dodaro  •  LinkedIn

How to Drive More Sales Through LinkedIn and Social Selling

The digital transformation over the last decade has completely changed the way people buy.

Businesses, marketers and sellers need to adapt to the new reality to stay relevant and competitive in attracting the modern buyer. LinkedIn provides the most important tools for B2B businesses to generate more sales through social selling.

To attract today’s buyer requires for the sales dialogue to shift from “What can I sell you?” to “How can I help you?”

Today, your personal brand is more important than ever as people research an individual or company before they do business with them. 

Seven seconds is all you have to wow a potential client. Your social selling success is dependent on how your LinkedIn profile represents your personal brand.

With all these challenges, you still have tremendous opportunity. You now have tools to connect directly with your ideal prospects with the click of a button.

And while social media in general and its use in business in particular have been discussed for years, few have talked about the power of LinkedIn.

I believe many businesses ignore LinkedIn for two primary reasons:

  1. it isn’t sexy
  2. it isn’t fun or exciting

While LinkedIn may not be exciting, getting new clients and having a successful business certainly is!

To capitalize on LinkedIn’s social selling capacity, follow the five steps I detail in The LINK Method™ to turn LinkedIn into a highly predictable lead generator.

In the infographic below, I share with you the five-step process, the essential elements of your profile to attract your ideal clients, the trigger events that allow you to build relationships with your prospects on LinkedIn, the ways to leverage existing relationships, and much more.

Are you interested in discovering how to turn LinkedIn into a lead generation machine? Take a look at…

How to Turn LinkedIn into a Lead Generation Machine [Infographic]

The infographic How to Turn LinkedIn Into a Lead Generation Machine represents content from Melonie Dodaro’s new book, LinkedIn Unlocked.

I believe when you transition from collecting connections to building relationships, you increase trust and credibility and attract more clients. This is vital because effective social selling is all about building relationships and trust.

The beauty of LinkedIn is that it was designed to help you find, connect and then build relationships and trust with the exact group of people that comprise your target audience.

Two BIG mistakes people make with social selling on LinkedIn

To convert a prospect to a client, you need to move your conversation offline.

You lose the opportunity if you make the following two mistakes with social selling on LinkedIn:

Mistake #1: You rush to a sale right after connecting with a potential prospect.

Mistake #2: You never move the conversation offline.

LinkedIn is the premier business platform for social selling, and the tips shared in this infographic represent a small portion of the blueprint laid out in my #1 bestselling book LinkedIn Unlocked: Unlock the Mystery of LinkedIn to Drive More Sales Through Social Selling.

Demystify the social selling process on LinkedIn

In LinkedIn Unlocked you will learn a step-by-step system that will help you generate a steady stream of new leads, clients and sales on LinkedIn in under 30 minutes a day.

I’m even giving away extra bonuses when you buy LinkedIn Unlocked valued at $221, including a companion workbook with all the exercises, worksheets and templates that will help you master the art of social selling on LinkedIn. Click here now to learn more about LinkedIn Unlocked and the exclusive bonuses.

LinkedIn Unlocked is now available on Amazon and includes exclusive bonuses.

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